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import osfrom strOp import strExtfrom collections import dequefrom tblOp import tblConcatclass FileNode:    def __init__(self, _fileName_s='',                 _brothers=None,                 _sons=[],                 _isDir_b=False,                 _parent= None                 ):        self.fileName_s = _fileName_s        self.bro = _brothers        self.sons = _sons        self.isDir_b = _isDir_b        self.parent = _parentdef addNodeUnderPathUnrecur(root, _path_s):    ''' inputs:             root -> the root of directory tree. It must give the root of the d            _path_s -> add the sons under the path of _path_s.                        if _path_s is equal to 'D:\\CS_DATA\\'                        then all the file under it is added as sons of the node named 'CS_DATA'        outputs:            Add all the files under _path_s as its sons. The input must give the root of directory    '''    node = searchNodeFromGivenFilePath(root, _path_s)    filesUnderPath = os.listdir(_path_s)    lenOfFilesUnderPath = len(filesUnderPath)    for i in range(lenOfFilesUnderPath):        if len(node.sons) == 0:            newNode = FileNode(filesUnderPath[i], None, [], os.path.isdir(_path_s+filesUnderPath[i]), node)            node.sons.append(newNode)        else:            newNode = FileNode(filesUnderPath[i], None, [], os.path.isdir(_path_s+filesUnderPath[i]), node)            node.sons[len(node.sons)-1].bro = newNode            node.sons.append(newNode)            #isSameName(node, newNode) file system will ensure that no the same name files exist.def searchNodeFromGivenFilePath(root, _path_s):    ''' inputs:             root -> Must give the root of directory. Meaning the absolute path of a node.            _path_s -> The absolute path of a node. Examples: 'D:\\CS_DATA\\'        output:            Search the directory tree from root to find the node whose fileName_s is equal to 'CS_DATA'.            So, you must give the absolute path. Whether 'D:\\CS_DATA\\' or 'D:\\CS_DATA' would be fine.    '''    if _path_s[-1] != '\\':        _path_s += '\\'        folderStructure = _path_s.split('\\')    if root.bro != None:        print 'input root is not root of file tree'        return    if folderStructure[0] != root.fileName_s:        print 'the head of input path is not same as root'        return    stack = []    stack.append(root)    for i in range(1,len(folderStructure)-1):        if len(stack) == 0:            print 'stack is empty'            break        node = stack.pop()        flag = 0        for j in node.sons:            if folderStructure[i] == j.fileName_s:                stack.append(j)                flag = 1        if flag == 0:            print 'can not find the folder %s' % folderStructure[i]            return None    node = stack.pop()    return nodedef addNodeAsSonFromGivenNode(root, _sonPath_s):    ''' inputs:            root -> The root of the directory. Which directory that you want to add the node.            _sonPath_s -> The absolute path of added node.             Examples: 'D:\\CS_DATA\\tree\\' means add the node named 'tree' to its parent 'CS_DATA'        outputs:            The directory tree with added node.    '''    if _sonPath_s[-1] != '\\':        _sonPath_s += '\\'    fileStructure = _sonPath_s.split('\\')    lenOfFileStructure = len(fileStructure)    if lenOfFileStructure <= 2:        print 'These is not son in the input path %s' % _sonPath_s        return        _sonFileName_s = fileStructure[-2]    _parentPath_s = ''    for i in range(len(fileStructure)-2):        _parentPath_s = _parentPath_s + fileStructure[i] + '\\'    _addNodeAsSonFromGivenNode(root, _parentPath_s, _sonFileName_s)def _addNodeAsSonFromGivenNode(root, _parentPath_s, _sonFileName_s):    ''' inputs:            root -> The root of directory tree.            _parentPath_s -> The absolute path of parent            _sonFileName_s -> the filename of added node        outputs:            This function is a auxiliary function of addNodeAsSonFromGivenNode    '''    if _parentPath_s[-1] != '\\':        _parentPath_s += '\\'        parentNode = searchNodeFromGivenFilePath(root, _parentPath_s)    if parentNode == None:        print 'can not find the parent folder %s' % _parentPath_s        return None    if len(parentNode.sons) == 0:        newNode = FileNode(_sonFileName_s, None, [], os.path.isdir(_parentPath_s+_sonFileName_s), parentNode)        if isSameName(parentNode, newNode):            return        parentNode.sons.append(newNode)    else:        newNode = FileNode(_sonFileName_s, None, [], os.path.isdir(_parentPath_s+_sonFileName_s), parentNode)        if isSameName(parentNode, newNode):            return        parentNode.sons[len(parentNode.sons)-1].bro = newNode        parentNode.sons.append(newNode)def isSameName(parentNode, sonNode):    ''' inputs:            parentNode -> The parent node.            sonNode -> the son node.        outputs:            If sonNode is already in parentNode.sons then return True.    '''    for node in parentNode.sons:        if node.fileName_s == sonNode.fileName_s:            print 'has same node %s\\%s -> %s' % (parentNode.fileName_s, node.fileName_s, sonNode.fileName_s)            return True    return Falsedef addNodeUnderPathRecur(root, _path_s):    ''' inputs:            root -> The root of directory.            _path_s -> The absolute path wanted to be added. Examples: 'D:\\CS_DATA\\'        outputs:            1. Add all the file nodes under _path_s recursively.             2. The _path_s must exist in root.        Unsafe:            1. Some system directory can not be added recursively. Examples: 'D:\\System Volume Information'            2. I do not make the judgment between files whether have same name when adding.            3. So, this function must use in the premise of operation system ensuring the rule for us.    '''    if _path_s[-1] != '\\':        _path_s = _path_s + '\\'        fileStructure = _path_s.split('\\')    if fileStructure[0] == root.fileName_s and len(fileStructure) == 2:        print '_path_s can not be the root'        return        returnNode = currentNode = searchNodeFromGivenFilePath(root, _path_s)    if currentNode == None:        print 'can not find the path'        return    queue = deque([])    fileName_sl = os.listdir(_path_s)    for fileName_s in fileName_sl:        file_s = _path_s + fileName_s        newNode = FileNode(fileName_s, None, [], os.path.isdir(file_s), currentNode)        queue.append(newNode)    while(len(queue) != 0):        newNode = queue.popleft()        currentNode = newNode.parent        lenOfSonsCurrentNode = len(currentNode.sons)        if lenOfSonsCurrentNode == 0:            currentNode.sons.append(newNode)        else:            currentNode.sons[lenOfSonsCurrentNode-1].bro = newNode            currentNode.sons.append(newNode)                if newNode.isDir_b == True:            fullPathOfNewNode = getFullPathOfNode(newNode)            subFileName_sl = os.listdir(fullPathOfNewNode)            for subFileName_s in subFileName_sl:                subNewNode = FileNode(subFileName_s, None, [], os.path.isdir(fullPathOfNewNode+subFileName_s), newNode)                queue.append(subNewNode)    return returnNode        def printBrosOfGivenNode(root, _path_s):    ''' inputs:            root -> The root of the directory.            _path_s -> Examples: 'D:\\CS_DATA' , 'D:\\CS_DATA\\'        outputs:            print out the bros of 'CS_DATA' for 'D:\\CS_DATA'            print out the sons of 'CS_DATA' for 'D:\\CS_DATA\\'    '''    if _path_s[-1] != '\\':        node = searchNodeFromGivenFilePath(root, _path_s)        if node == None:            print 'can not find the node'        parentOfNode = node.parent        headOfSons = parentOfNode.sons[0]        printStr = headOfSons.fileName_s + ','        while(headOfSons.bro != None):            headOfSons = headOfSons.bro            printStr = printStr + headOfSons.fileName_s + ','    else:        node = searchNodeFromGivenFilePath(root, _path_s)        if node == None:            print 'can not find the node'        printStr = ''        if len(node.sons) == 0:            print 'its sons is empty'        else:            for son in node.sons:                printStr = printStr + son.fileName_s + ','    print printStr[:-1]def crtFileTreeFromPath(_path_s):    ''' inputs:            _path_s -> Examples: 'D:\\sketchDataset\\'         outputs:            This function will create the root node by 'D:',            and then, call addNodeUnderPathUnrecur to add files under 'D:\\',            and then, again call addNodeUnderPathUnrecur to add files under 'D:\\sketchDataset\\'            This process is a loop until the last separator of _path_s.    '''    if _path_s[-1] != '\\':        _path_s += '\\'    fileStructure = _path_s.split('\\')    lenOfFileStructure = len(fileStructure)    root = FileNode(_fileName_s=fileStructure[0], _isDir_b=os.path.isdir(fileStructure[0]))        fileStr = root.fileName_s + '\\'    addNodeUnderPathUnrecur(root, fileStr)    for i in range(1, lenOfFileStructure-1):        file_s = fileStructure[i]        fileStr = fileStr + file_s + '\\'        addNodeUnderPathUnrecur(root, fileStr)    return rootdef searchLeafNodeUnderGivenNode(root, _path_s):    ''' inputs:            root -> For the given directory tree.            _path_s -> The absolute path of node that wanted to search all the leafs under it.        outputs:            Return all the leafs under the given _path_s.            Leaf is the file whose has not sons and it is not a directory    '''    node = searchNodeFromGivenFilePath(root, _path_s)    leafs = []    if node == None:        print 'can not find the node in searchLeafNodeUnderGivenNode'        return    queue = deque([])    queue.append(node)    while(len(queue) != 0):        currentNode = queue.popleft()        if len(currentNode.sons) == 0 and (currentNode.isDir_b == False):            leafs.append(currentNode)        else:            for son in currentNode.sons:                queue.append(son)    return leafs        def getFullPathOfNode(givenNode):    '''         find the full(absolute) path of the input node.    '''    tmpNode = givenNode    fullPathOfNode = tmpNode.fileName_s + '\\'    while(tmpNode.parent != None):        tmpNode = tmpNode.parent        fullPathOfNode = tmpNode.fileName_s + '\\' + fullPathOfNode    return fullPathOfNode


if __name__ == '__main__':    root = crtFileTreeFromPath('D:\\sketchDataset\\')    categroyNode = addNodeUnderPathRecur(root, 'D:\\sketchDataset\\category\\')    leafs = searchLeafNodeUnderGivenNode(root, 'D:\\sketchDataset\\category\\')    containModel_t = {}    for i in range(len(leafs)):        if leafs[i].parent.fileName_s not in containModel_t:            containModel_t[leafs[i].parent.fileName_s] = []            containModel_t[leafs[i].parent.fileName_s].append(strExt.extractModelIdWithSuffix(leafs[i].fileName_s, suffix_s='.off'))        else:            containModel_t[leafs[i].parent.fileName_s].append(strExt.extractModelIdWithSuffix(leafs[i].fileName_s, suffix_s='.off'))    categroyNode = addNodeUnderPathRecur(root, 'D:\\sketchDataset\\all_categorized_sketches\\')    sketchToCate_t = {}    for son in categroyNode.sons:        sketchNodes = son.sons        for sketchNode in sketchNodes:            sketchName = strExt.extractSketchNameWithSuffix(sketchNode.fileName_s, suffix_s='.txt')            if sketchName not in sketchToCate_t:                sketchToCate_t[sketchName] = son.fileName_s         wanted = tblConcat.concatTableByKey_ValAndVal_Vals(sketchToCate_t, containModel_t)    print wanted

 结果就是,也就是草图165号的验证模型是'm1646.off, m1647.off'等等。

{'s165.txt': ['m1646.off', 'm1647.off', 'm1648.off', 'm1649.off', 'm1650.off', 'm1651.off', 'm1652.off', 'm1653.off', 'm1654.off', 'm1655.off', 'm1656.off', 'm1657.off', 'm1658.off', 'm1659.off', 'm1660.off', 'm1661.off', 'm1662.off', 'm1663.off', 'm1664.off', 'm1665.off'] ......}



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